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Hey all, today I thought I would continue with the Adeptus Mechanic models with some Skitarii Vanguards.
These guys along with some rangers that I painted earlier in the year really do take a while to paint. To begin with I always keep the torso parts seperated from the legs, so that I can get easy access to the insides of the cloaks. I tend to number the bottom of the bases with the legs and the torso’s so that parts do not get mixed up. Another thing I do is also leave the backpacks off and attach them at the end to make painting easier. The reds I used for the cloaks are by Comm art. I seem to be using this brand a lot as of late. What do guys think?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
what did you use for the metallics? they're super clean.
Hey cheers guys 🙂
I don;t normally like 40k mech stuff but you are making them look very cool!
Suitably gritty, but with a nice amount of colour to grab the eye. Your style is well suited to the darker elements of the far future.
really like these
be great to see a full army for these.