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I’ve finished the Assassin from the Culexus Temple. After the jump you can see some more angles of this deadly killer and a group shot of all four Assassins I’ve painted.
I’m really pleased with all four Assassins. I love how they share colour schemes and look like a consistent unit. They also fit in great with my wider Army of the Imperium project.
With the Assassins complete, I’m now free to start a new project and as I type this I’m not sure what it should be. A Dark Angels Drop Pod, an Imperial Knight, some Space Wolves or some Black Legion… choices choices!
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Lovely job on the mini's found highlighting the synthskin really tricky on mine, probably going to redo them as they annoy me to much at the moment, using the mini tutorial you posted right at the start 🙂
Cool models and a very, VERY good and nice paintjob, Garfy! Actually, I just ordered the whole group of 4 assassins from GW as they made them available as models only recently…and I have to admit it were yours models and the paintjob you did that helped me with the decision:-)
As for your choices to be made – I vote for the Space Wolves (and a tutorial for them, if I may be so bold and ask for it this way? :-)). Have a couple of boxes with Space Wolves and a few test models…but still I am not happy about the tested colour schemes (4 different ones, using GW as well as VGC paints)…
Anyway, congratulations to finishing the assassins unit and keep up the amazing work!
Why did you buy all 4 models separately from GW? It's cheaper to buy the execution force boxed set.
Have to ask why buy the mini's separate at GW's list price execution force comes in cheaper than the mini's on their own?
I did ask the same question but for whatever reason the post hasn't been published.
BTW the mini's look incredible, great job Garfy keep up the good work
Yes, you are both right, guys. I just do not like buying boxed games when I do not play them…it kind of saddens me to see the boxes I already have with games that I will never play, purchased only because of the minis…lying idly on the shelf.
That's why I do act in such an irrational way and if there is a chance, I buy minis only. Recently, not more than 5 at the time. If I want some unique one (released within some boxed game only), I go to ebay and buy it separately.
Yes, it costs me a bit more money. But I am only a moderate painter (hence my plea for a tutorial for Space Wolves) and it takes me a long time to paint a mini… I do this also to restrain myself a little. I am of the opinion that I will never be able in my lifetime to paint all the minis I have purchased so far 🙂