Hey guys, I started painting the next two models of my assault squad. Notice the guy with the bare head. I need to think of a good recipe for blonde hair, anyone minds to share his technique?
By the way, I preordered a Blood Angels tactical squad. I won’t paint a full squad, as I already have enough Ultramarine tactical squads, but the bitz will find their way into future Blood Angel projects. I’m still puzzled why they didn’t make a new BA assault squad kit, given that assault squads are the Blood Angels’ thing and that the kit is rather old, but hey, beggars aren’t choosers. Have you preordered something as well?
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Thanks for the input guys, I went with an Averland Sunset basecoat. Gives a nice comic book blonde. Find out more in my next BA post!
Slightly off subject (pre-order), but I had asked before about painting items still on a spru (helmets in this instance). I would assume that it might be easier for access as well as handling? I've noticed you've done it before. As to pre-ordering, nothing yet, I've been hemorrhaging money elsewhere 😉
Yeah I kept the helmets seperately, so I could basecoat them yellow with my airbrush while basecoating the bodies with red.
This is my attempt at blond hair.
This is from Darren Lathams article about painting a High Elf Lord. It came out right around Island of Blood. Let me know if you are interested.
I'm going to pick up the tactical squad. Sort of on the fence about starting a Blood Angels army in the new year as I'm almost done with finishing my Plague Marine army. I've always liked the Blood Angels.
I use a mix of Zandri Dust and Averland Sunset for blond hair as the base. Then highlight with increasing amounts of Averland Sunset. It has a pretty decent look in my opinion.
have you already given bloodletter?
Yes, the armour is finished.
I believe GW chose to return to an older theme of the Blood Angels with the upcoming Codex, as the Assault Squads are once again in the Fast Attack Section. That's why they got a Tactical Squad.
Smaug is pre-ordered!!! I picked up Deathstorm while I was in Nottingham on Saturday 🙂