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Hey all and hope you had a fiendishly amazing Halloween. Today I thought I’d show the recently new Tau KV128 Stormsurge.
The model is a big one standing in at a height of 22cm and has a real 80s Japanese cartoon vibe to it. I’m really liking what GW have done with the new Tau models and the re-releases of the older models. What do you guys make of the latest Tau releases?
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Awesome post thanks for sharing.
Will you ever do a tutorial for Tau? Your Stormsurge is incredible!!! Just seen it. wow!!
TEN has stated numerous times that the reason you see this style over and over is due to clients requests. I agree that it has been repetitive but that's not his fault. It's a unique art style and there are a few things I don't care for but overall, I would be more than happy if my army was painted like that. Keep up the good work! Even with all the posts showing off this style, I haven't grown tired of looking at it 🙂
As a regular reader of this site I just want to say that I can understand that tens work may be not everyones cup of tea. His work is very strange compared to a lot of other painters about, but I think thats the great thing about his that he is original. As a painter myself I always enjoy seeing what ten is up to. Some Im not keen on and other work I think is brilliant. As it happens I think the model above is fantastic. You can cleary see that a lot of work and love has gone into it. Keep it up. Cheers Giles
I just want to go on the record and say that people come to this site to view some great miniatures. I don't believe anyone randomly stumbles upon the site and just blurts out hate for no reason. People are here because they love it, and any critique is meant in the best of ways. When people say that they wish for more variance in the miniatures, I am pretty sure they truly want to see what comes next. This miniature doesn't necessarily represent a next step since it is part of a larger collection and it doesn't do anything different from the rest. It is a privilege to have a following, and with that comes some critique. Take it as a token of appericiation instead of batting it aside as hateful – at least that would be my advice.
Cheers from a fan of the site.
You'd be surprised Andreas by some of the Anonymous comments the site attracts. Many times over the years they have been quite awful with little to no actual critique. Its not just myself I have seen this happen to everyone who shows. Some folks as is everywhere in internet land are not commenting for best intentions. Luckily the majority of commenters on TOP are top notch hobbyists.
I'm going to have to echo GHOULIO's comment there. TEN, you attract a lot of criticism and its NOT coming from random haters. You don't see that kind of reaction to anyone else on here. People are tired of the monochromatic and sponged look. But hey if you want to insist all your minis don't look the same then go for it.
Hey cheers guys. It means a lot with the cool feedbacks 🙂
It looks awesome. Thanks for the post.
All of your stuff looks the same and is becoming very boring. When you first started posting on Tale of Painters, I was very interested in your work, but now I am tired of it.
If you were to be constructive, what you would you advise?
Without the advice, your criticism is rude and not helpful to anyone.
It's called a hater 🙂 🙂 The worlds full of them.
Yeah well said THIRDEYENUKE
Haters are, unfortunately, appearing more and more on various sites and they seldom bring any good :/
Great piece of work !!!
Would love to have that on my table 😀
@ Garfy: I understand what you are saying but Anonymous has a point. I have been a huge fan of this site since you guys created it a few years ago. I have even submitted pics of my armies/models to be posted on here. And (for the most) part I am a big fan of Thirdeyenukes work. He really does have a refreshing style compared to the more "standard" high end painters like yourself and Stahly.
With that being said over the last year or so it really genuinely looks like TEN is on extreme auto pilot, just "phoning things in" as it were. The reason I say that is EVERYTHING is this drab, monochromatic "off white" with black and a small amount of almost black metal with these heavy stone bases that have zero work put into them (as far as painting goes). It doesn’t matter if the army is Tau, Eldar, Marines, whatever, they just have this generic white paint, and that’s it. He almost never uses colour and if he does its only washed out blue glow effects or his incredible blood effects (which I STILL can’t get…drives me nuts).
The only reason I even say the above mentioned criticism (critique?) is because I have seen TEN paint some truly incredible pieces. The wood elves he did a while ago (cavalry I believe) are hands down some of my fave things I have seen on this site. I know what TEN is capable of and as a regular reader it saddens me to see the exact same scheme pumped out over and over again with what feels like no effort (auto pilot effect – this is perceived as I am sure there actually is effort). I know it seems like I am attacking here, but I promise you I am not. Just a fan wishing I could see more of Third Eye Nukes capabilities 🙂
Ghoulio, if you click onmy profile for just the last couple of months work I have shown I can promise many colours from vibrant yellows, reds and a whole use of others. Not really understanding by what you mean auto-pilot as I would consider this year to be the most ambitious work I have done yet. I assure you I do not do auto-pilot and never have done. I always try to push my work as far as possible each time I do a piece. You can also check out what I have been doing on my worksite within the last 6 months or so. Link below…
The Tau you see above is commission work and has been asked to be painted in that scheme to match a existing army I painted last year.
Couldn't help but comment as I follow this blog, but most of thirdeyenukes work from looking for the last 12 months is bright red. Do I get a prize?
I'm diggin' the final product! Could easily fit in a desert or winter themed army. I think that it could use a few minimal splashes of color to break up all theneutral tones. For example, I'd probably put 1 red stripe (panel section) across each legs and maybe some red on the tau helmet. Cheers!
Looks very cool. Did you sponge on the white speckles?
Hari, yes thats just a a small ripped up sponge. Like the stuff you find in a carry case or the old blister packs GW do for metal models. FW use this a lot in the Imperial Armour books.
Love the minimal retro look, it looks awesome. Ben