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Hey there, I just finished painting Tigurius so I want to share some pictures of the finished model with you. Check out more views after the jump and tell me what you think of the model in the comments.

This model is slightly different from my other Ultramarines. In the Codex Astartes it is recorded that Libarians have to wear blue armour despite their chapter allegiance. To differentiate Tigurius’ Librarian status I chose a slightly darker shade of blue for his armour than I use on regular marines. The recipe is Kantor Blue with a little bit of Abaddon Black mixed in, pure black for the recesses, and two stages of highlighting with Mordian Blue (the base colour of my regular Ultramarines) first, and Calgar Blue after that.

The most eye-catching piece is probably the banner. I’m no freehand master like Garfy, I also don’t enjoy painting them because I’m lacking the patience. Having said that, I’m quite pleased with the result. Even though it took me over two hours for just the freehand.

What do you think of the model? A lot of people don’t like the sculpt and prefer the older version, have I changed your mind with my paint job? Let me know in the comments!