Another entry in my ever-growing terrain collection: The broken aquila from the Honoured Imperium set. A rather old set with three scatter terrain pieces, from which I only kept and painted this aquila. It’s a pretty sizable piece, over 27 cm wide. I painted it in a brass colour scheme that matches my other Sector Imperialis statues.
I remember when the Honoured Imperium set was released (like 8 or 10 years ago?), there was some critique as the models on the box art were much more detailed than what you got in the box. I suspect they showed the resin master models on the box, then outsourced them to China (all of GW terrain sets are produced in China) for mastering and production… and this is what we got.
While the model doesn’t look as crisp as on the box (especially the rubble texture), it still makes a pretty large and eye-catching addition to any gaming table.
What do you think? Did you buy Honoured Imperium back then and were a bit disappointed, too? Leave a comment or reaction below.
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I think you should have used more weathering effects, as it now looks pretty much brand new. The way the aqulia is broken, with cracks and smashed pieces, clearly indicates that it is made from stone. It would be impossible for a big piece of damaged metall to look like this. I do understand that you want it to fit in with your other terrain, this is just my reflection.
I always found this terrain piece difficult to use in-game. It’s absolutely huge and takes up lots of real estate on the table. It’s also hard to interact with. Models like to slide off it or stand at awkward angles.