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This Monstrous Creature is finally finished. I chose to blend by hand instead of using my airbrush because I felt the limbs were probably too small for the airbrush. I’m really pleased with the finished result. More pictures after the jump.

This cool model includes interior detail. By removing the abdomen you get to see the Scarab Hive. This is a really neat touch. 

The hardest area to paint were the legs. I glued them in place and they took hours and hours to paint all the edge lines. I think it was worth the effort though. I will probably do the same for the Triarch Stalker now instead of using my airbrush.

There are quite a few glowing orbs and I bathed the surrounding area with a light OSL glow. You can read in detail how I did this in my tutorial

I couldn’t resist a group shot of the Spyder with her babies. Here you can see the six Scarab bases I painted last month with three bases I already had in collection. It’s shots like these that make the hard work worth it.  I love it!

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