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Hey everyone, I thought today I would show what I have done so far on the fairly newly released Ironjawz Megaboss on Maw-Krusha.
So far I have only been working on the Maw-Krusha and hopefully will have the remaining Megaboss and base complete in the next few days so that I can complete the entire model. The model itself is very large. In my next post I will show a scale photo of the model next to a Marine so you can see yourself. I really like the new Orc (Ironjawz) models as they have so much character and look forward to painting more. What do you think so far?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Do you have a tutorial on the scale color scheme? I'm looking to paint up the same model
Great work, looks like a living thinglike this!
Any chance of getting the primary colors used here? I'm especially interested in the greens and the greyish underbelly. Cheers!
Beautiful work as always, btw.
Its easy the best model i saw so far, i'm in love with it
That's a stunner. Love to see it when it's all done. Greg
So far? It's not done?
Phil, it's this
Looking awesome mate. How did you do the reddish gum around the teeth? A wash? A gloss?
Lovely work on this (as always of course), your painting style really does suit models such as that one particularly I feel.
Rancor 🙂
The thing looks real. Creepy! Dan.
When I heard you were going to do a Maw-Krusha in the last post, I just knew you were going to use this color scheme. Its cool and fitting….I've just seen this color scheme too many times to be impressed by it. But on the other hand, it's what you do best. Why change?
Real growth happens outside your comfort zone. But, hey, It's your hobby, your choice.
Wow! I hope you do do more stuff from the new Orruks. The giant pig riders would be interesting
Cheers Alex, I already have the pig riders so will be on them at some point.