Quick post today to mark the completion of my Dark Angels Hellblaster squad. My 10 man unit is made up from Conquest Magazine, Dark Imperium Boxed Game and a couple purchased from eBay.
I painted up the first 5 and posted about them on Tale of Painters over 2 years ago.
The Last year I painted the 6th member of the squad using Games Workshop’s synthetic STC brushes.
Fast forward to 2022 and I’ve been enjoying just painting single models from random factions that I already have assembled and undercoated. So over the last couple of months I painted the last 4 Hellblasters to finish the squad. Man, that felt amazing finishing a squad I started over 2 years ago.
To keep the results consistent over that time I used my own tutorial. This tutorial is the updated 2.0 version and uses some contrast paints. So half the squad was painted pre-contrast and the the other half post-contrast. Still, looking at the above pic, you’d be hard pressed to tell which is which (the top row are pre-contrast if you’re wondering).
It’s very interesting to see how your painting approach changes. Just a few days ago i’Ve read one of your older posts, where i described why you prefer batch-painting and never could imagine painting single troop miniatures. Natural evolution 😀
I still stuck to batch-painting (3-5 is my personal comfort-zone) and take from time to time a break with a character model.
Oh and your updates tutorial is really appealing. Think i will follow that when i one day finally return to DarkAngels. Still have all of the DarkVengeance-Minis here on sprue 😀
Lol, At the weekend I finished a batch paint of 3 skeleton warriors and yesterday I working on a batch paint of 3 plaguebearers. I’m so fickle.