Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some new Sons of Horus models. See what I’ve accomplished after the jump…
My second Comtemptor Dreadnought. For this model I used legs and a Keres assault cannon from Forgeworld, an upper body from the Betrayal at Calth box and a sword from the Grey Knights Dreadknight. The model is mostly painted with five layers. The dying marine is from Primarch Angrons base (also Forgeworld).
Here you can see the completed Cataphractii Terminator Squad, as started in the post before.
As announced in the first post about my Sons of Horus project, here comes a classic Land Raider from GW. I pimped him with a tank crew member from Forgeworld and Redeemer flame cannons. I think he didn’t turn out that bad, and is a perfect fit to the 30k setting.
My third Contepmtor Dreadnought comes from the Calth box set. The only changes I made were to reposition the upper body and to attach the melter to his left arm.
That’s all for now. Leave a comment if you like.
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beautiful work on those models, well done, really love that classic Landrider the most.
Great work with the green of your SoH!! Bravo!
for paint brush blending that looks sick. I really dig your style of painting with bits of weathering in different areas. Keep up the awesome work =)
Thx, it's all just for fun;)
Great work; these look really nice. Excellent blending and I like your clean old-school style. On a side note, I look forward to the day when Hari Bray, who is clearly and undoubtedly the God Emperor of painting showcases some of his own exquisite talent, as he clearly possesses such superior skill that he is able to look down on all other work with mocking contempt from his perch on the Golden Throne.
Agreed :))))))
Really nice work.
What I think Mr Bray is trying to say is that where you've seamlessly blended and weathered the tones of the green, the hard edge of the black stands out as a different technique. This gives less 'depth' as a result when compared to the green armour. Both are executed excellently however so you should be really pleased (I would if I could do that!). Its a harsh comparison however and you have to look for a problem before you find it. Not sure what the alternative would really be anyway if you want the black to stay black and not put in too much grey.
For the rest I love the sword and the conversions are epic – they look purchased!
Look forward to seeing more.
The green blending is great. For the black areas, may I suggest not using black at all? Try mixing really dark brown (dryad bark/rhinox hide) with one of the darker blues (kantor blue) or darker reds (khorne red) or darker greens (caliban green) or darker purples. Gives a very deep almost black colour, but has a greater depth and lends itself well well to subtle shading and blending.
This is a nice tip, should try that one of this day!
Solid-looking old school LR.
I've brought back a couple from my attic, and I was just thinking how to make them look better for my Crimson Fists army (along a metal IG Land Speeder, poor thing needs an incredible amount of green stuff to seal the gaps betwwen the parts).
I think you might want to work on the black areas of the models.
They are very flat and stand out from the green blend badly.
Its like you have two different styles for the green and black that dont compliment each other.
Not too sure on the fat highlight lines either but the green blend is very nice imo.
The free hand Horus eye on the last contemptor looks weird. The green highlight line confuses me, not sure if its ment to look 3D or not.
On the contemptor with the sword the scratches you have made look very bad, legit looks like you took some leadbelcher on a large brush and randomly slaped it on. I think what really makes it look bad is that you did it after you tinted the metal with only one maybe two colours so it looks very superficial and fake.
Impressive green blends though.
Airbrushed or hand painted? looks god damm amazing either way man.
It's all handpainted. I don't use airbrush….
Cos people dont use their hands when they airbrush..
Fantastic job! That green looks so good, what colour is it?
I used Stegadon Scale Green mixed several times with Sybarite Green.
Absolutely great work!
I especially like the dark metal parts on the LR –
would love to get your recipe
On black coat i drybrushed Leadbelcher washed with Agrax Earthshade. Then i drybrushed a little bit Ironbreaker. The rust effect was done with Aged Rust Weathering powder from FW.