How’s everyone getting on with their #newyearnewarmy projects? I decided my faction would be Maggotkin of Nurgle Daemons. During June I revisited the project to add these Plague Drones to the putrid force.

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Maggotkin of Nurgle Plague Drones cinematic shot by Garfy

I bought the Plague Drones back in February when I popped into Marquee Models to just buy paint (this happens every time, I always end up walking out with models), as you can see it took me a couple of months to get round to painting them. Whilst I was clearing the back log, I had plenty of time to think about how I wanted to upgrade the models bases. The stock models have a flying stand that inserts quite high up into their abdomen which makes the model look like it’s barely hovering off the ground. I wasn’t a fan of this. 

Nurgle Plague Drone painted by Garfy

I had lots of scatter terrain that came with the Mortal Realms Magazine and this was perfect basing fodder to give height to the models. I chopped up and repositioned the chunks of terrain and glued it in place on the base. Then I drilled into the models and the terrain and superglued a metal rod in place (all metal wire coat hangers, the triangle ones are perfect for this). I could bend the metal rod with pliers to get the model to sit right. Finally, I covered the rod in green stuff modelling putty and sculpted it to look like poison/ooze/gore dripping from the rot flies’ stingers. 

Nurgle Plague Drone painted by Garfy

With the bases sorted I had to decide how I wanted to paint the Rot Flies. I know the flies are daemonic but I didn’t really want the same colour skin as my Plaguebearers but I also didn’t want them to be too drastically different. In the end, I went back to my Nurgling test base to look at all the different shades of green I painted and I settled on an olive green that I had also used on my Beast of Nurgle’s belly. I kept the pus spots the same colour on both the mount and rider to tie them together.

Nurgle Plague Drone painted by Garfy

For the wings, I revisited the colour I’d used for my Beast of Nurgle tentacles and Spoilpox Scrivener feather, I just made these wings a little lighter by using an Ulthuan Grey drybrush. For the Plaguebearer pilot, I followed my Spoilpox Scrivener recipe card. The only change was the spots which I modified the recipe slightly but they still look the same.

How to paint Plague Drones of Nurgle by Garfy
How to paint Spoilpox Scrivener Nurgle Plaguebearers by Garfy
Garfy's Maggotkin of Nurgle Deamons army

Here it is, my #newyearnewarmy so far. All these models are on my Warcry Narrative Campaign roster with the Lord of Plagues and Rotbringer Sorcerer waiting in the wings to be added as allies once the right number of territories and glory has been plundered. The next model I want to buy for this force is a Great Unclean One. I think that would be pretty fun to paint and it would be another step closer to owning all 4 Greater Daemons.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay