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I had enough spare bitz to cobble together a Assault Marine combat squad and I love painting Dark Angels so I thought why not expand my small Dark Angel force. Here’s the first marine. I thought I’d paint one in a single day just for fun and I’ll batch paint the next four which will be more for a chore. Still batch painting four will be easier then five. Do you plan on painting today? What’s on your desk?
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
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Dark Angels tactical squad from Dark Vengeance for today and for this week. I use them as test subjects to check painting scheme for my Sons of Medusa chapter.
First steps and also my first almost painted mini
I love that fine line of white you've got on the bottom of the eye lense. Gives it the real look of transparency and light.
I've got Imperial Fist sniper scouts on the table right now. Can't wait to finish them so I can batch paint a whole tac squad. Must be something wrong with me…
Sweet. Tonight i get back to my Helion Rain diorama. Lictor is on deck!
finished priming the start of my 30k Mechcanicum force this morning. Today's aim is to get all the metal finished so that I can start work on the armour next week
Deathwing knights. I'm definitely going to finish them today….
Love your line highlighting, I don't think I have the patience, I tend to drybrush. Looks excellent, a worthy addition, is the Sergeant having an eviscerator?
Deathwing knights. I'm definitely going to finish them today….
Today, I'm looking to complete a Death Company Razorback. I've set myself the task of painting 500 points a month until the end of the year so I can get a 2000 point army ready to get back to playing next year.