Howdy all, today I am showing all the Riptides that I have finished for a large WW2 German winter scheme Tau army commission.
It was a lot of work as the entire army must be about 7/8K points. It’s a lot of models and by the end I was beginning to feel the pain of painting multiple models in a similar scheme. But oh well all done and I’m pleased with the end results. I painted 4 Riptides in total. 2 of them are quite customised and all have had weapons magnetized. In the next few posts I’ll show a few more Tau models that I worked on and then I’ll move on to something totally different. Something that’s not green and camouflaged 🙂 What do you think?
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This link should work
I will let you know when I set it up
Hi Ben. I am going to get the pieces up on Shapeways at the weekend, as soon as I return from my holiday. I will sell them rounded to the nearest whole number, so minimal profit. I am working on other 3D parts, and hope to give Nuke the opportunity to paint those in the future
Sounds great, thanks!
Also, what is the name of your store on shapeways?
Any luck finding the manufacturer of the 3d printed burst cannon?
I concur with the previous statement, hands down some of the best tau I've ever seen. You've really nailed the gritty winter scheme on these and I can't wait to see the whole army finished!
These are absolutely stunning, some of the best Tau suits I have ever seen – I love the gritty 'real' look of the camo scheme & amazing winter bases.