Oh man, this model is so cool. It took me by total surprise by how much I actually enjoyed painting this model. After the jump there are more angles and a pretty interesting comparison shot.
It’s actually a work of genius. The way all the parts are laid out on the sprue and how it comes together to create a really detailed 3D model with lots of layers is really impressive.
Painting this model was an exercise in subtlety. The robes especially, such large flat areas with shallow folds needed the smallest amount of shading definition but being so prominent would really stand out if I got it wrong. I’m reasonably happy with how the robes came out.
The force weapon came out nice. I carefully blended it using the recipe from my tutorial. I decided to paint the run light blue as I didn’t want it to stand out and detract from the blade.
And now that comparison shot I eluded to in the opening paragraph. The plastic Dark Angel Librarian was only released in the previous edition of Warhammer 40,000. It’s not that old, but the Primaris Librarian with it’s scale make the poor little chap look obsolete. I really don’t like standing these guys next to each other.
What do you think about “old” marines? Do they still have as place in our armies and display shelfs?
Garfy’s Get a Grips available to order with same day dispatch here or here for non UK buyers.
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i'm loving it, can you you give me the recipe of the Armor blue it's seems different from the maccrage/calgar/fenrissian tuto i could find on your blog
The Primaris looks so much better than the previous edition. The previous one has too many little intricate details on it for the size of the mini where the Primaris has the right balance between detail and size to look right.
How many ‘normal Marines releases have we had since Primaris dropped… none. Old Marines will always have a very large place in my Display Cabinets, but alas they are just like my few squads of RTB01, now Oldhammer. I still have a backlog of tonnes of old-Marines to do, so I’ll keep pumping them out, but I think the range is now dead – even if GW was scared to admit and made a fudge lore, 9th will drop one day and Primaris will be known simply as the Space Marines.
The Japan Space Marine Heroes (soon to be released worldwide) are the only ones I can think of and from what I’ve heard they’re a little bit bigger than “normal” anyway.
Both figures awesomely painted!
Personally, I hope it is true that the 'Primaris' lore was a fudge by GW to introduce them, as I don't like the idea that the God-Emperor's work can be bettered with the invention of super-duper-special-Astartes. I would prefer it if they become the new standard scale for Space Marines, as they are more 'true-scaled' in line with the fluff about the size & imposing majesty of Astartes.
However, I am concerned by the upscaling of the new Necromunda figures. Being GW, this could be a tactic to oppose mixing/replacement by similar urban gang miniature ranges, but if they continue to enlarge humans in Imperial Guard etc, the 'Primaris' Marines will lose the scaling improvement :-z …& the rest of our collections will become redundant too!
@Brett B
Check out our review here for a scale comparison:
@Pawn Cocktail
There is an up-to-date scale comparison including Primaris, Chaos, Traitor Guard, Cadians and Elusian Starstriders. As you can see, they clearly upscaled the human proportions for their latest releases compared to Cadians and Tempestus Scions. Death Guard, Thousand Sons and now the new plastic generic Chaos Marines are almost Primaris size, too.
Here is the revised link for the review: https://taleofpainters.blogspot.com/2018/11/review-japan-exclusive-space-marine.html
Thanks for the link, Stahly.
It's disappointing that it is just a blanket gradual unscaling to 'heroic 32mm' scale then. I know GW is a business & has to compete with companies that offer suitable proxy models, but for me it's very off-putting as a hobbyist. I largely switched to 'historics/moderns' a while back due to the ever-increasing expense of GW, & I don't think the W40K rules are actually that good. But I love the 40K setting & have maintained a small 'Inquisimunda' collection for skirmish gaming. Looks like I should grab a few last boxes at the old 'heroic 28mm' scale before it all jumps in size… :-/
The old Marines are just that – old Marines. To me Primaris are the actual Space Marines, no matter what they are called. I feel that the acutally go along well as true scale Marines and look very nice next to more human sized models.