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Hey guys, today I am showing a Tyranid Trygon that I finished painting a few days ago. The model is part of large Tyranid army that mainly consist of a lot of flyers, Raveners and spores.
It’s a interesting army and I hope to show more photos in the coming weeks. The owner of the army asked me to paint the models in white and black scheme. Yes, I know I have done it before, but it always proves popular on request. Are you looking forward to the new Deathwatch models?. I was lucky enough this morning to receive the Deathwatch Landraider that hopefully I will get to do some work on soon. What do you guys think?
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Thats straight up awesome. Look forward to seeing more!
Fantastic as usual! I love the contrast between the overall monochrome colourscheme and the added colour of the flesh/blood and the hint of green.
Suitably horrid, love it. Perhaps some more rubble on the cork base? Or was concrete slab the look here? Your scheme is quite effective, I'm not surprised it's popular 🙂