I painted this Iyanden Wraithknight just before Christmas, as I recall it was the last model I painted in 2013. The photos are not the greatest as I was trying out a new camera. Personally the Wraithknight was one of my more favorite models along with the Carnosaur that GW released last year. Whats your most favorite GW/FW model of 2013?
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he's kicking arse! 😉
Hey Cheers Tim 🙂 Its true with the photos. The camera was brand new and I had zero experience how to use. Its a fairly complicated Canon camera that compared to my old camera I was at a bit of a loss in knowing what I doing at first. To be honest I was quite scared using it. Since then I know what I'm doing with it when taking photos, so everything should be a lot clearer. Hope the WraithKnight is kicking butt 🙂
ok as owner of this model i want to say something also. first of all… yes the pictures dont do the model right. for instance the dark shading on the base on the photo is nowhere on the model to be spoted. i've seen Ten's work, and really loved it, before i've ordered the commission. that's wy i wanted him to paint this model for me. It turned out really great! and i think that's ultimatly what the painters strive for. to have a happy costumer 🙂
But thanks for the positives:)
What is important here is Tim has offered constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is an opinion where it's explained in detail with explanations on how to do it differently. It's useful. Constructive criticism should be viewed as a positive. It's one person offering an opinion to help another person. The beauty of constructive criticism is if you don't agree with it you can completely ignore it.
For every 10 pieces of constructive criticism I receive I tend to learn a single new thing. It's just a case of absorbing it and working out what you would do differently. I've learnt lots from you guys posting in the comments.
I think it was very nice of Tim to take the time to write to TeN and offer an alternative view. However, TeN's style is very unique. I know I'd struggle offering any advice on how to do it better. He's a successful commission painter who is a regular contributor to White Dwarf online, so he must be doing something right.
Yeah, I didn't get that specific and maybe was too general about some things. I'm not one to hold back on constructive criticism when I see a painter who clearly has skill and artistic talent and I feel they have potential. That's why I write my criticism – because I actually BELIEVE ThirdEye can do a lot better. That's why I am harsh. Is that wrong of me? He has the talent to be REALLY amazing but there are little mistakes he can fix – getting better at filling gaps (visible on the legs and weapons), masking to prevent overspray (feet got some of the rock color, the head got over spray from visor) more visual interest on the bases, and more control over the transitions so they are smoother (such as on the back aerials). From one artist to another, there is always room for improvement and honestly, I criticize his work because I believe in him, not because I am trolling or something.
Also, YES ThirdEye is definitely doing a LOT of things right. Just look at his amazing Lizardman Dinosaur rider thingy and his dark elf stuff. Heck his Tau Riptides are amazing and very evocative (that's something you cant really teach – its a developed talent).
To be honest I'm a bit lost by the comments :)!!!
Like what specifically?
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I'm sorry for being so harsh. I think if you were to correct one thing it should be the mold lines and the gaps.
Heh, that two but you get my point.
Cheers Tim, having reread your initial comment and thought about it I can understand the direction you are coming from. I think the problem is with your advice, is that a lot of the problems you see with the work is not a mistake in my working process but on purpose. And quite often I do go to great lengths to achieve those effects. For instance the over spray on the visor is on purpose as is the continuation of the base/weathering on the feet.Thats just the way I paint and the way I like my models to turn out. In commission painting I get asked to do these sorts of things all the time. As for the base looking dark it actually wasnt, it was more the fault of a new Canon camera that I was trying out for the first time that made the photo come across dark. I can understand that my style is not everyone's taste,but thats the beauty of Tale of Painters in that Garfy, Rev, Stahly, Sigur, Xoxtile and myself hopefully bring different styles to the models we show. Hope that helps 🙂
I'm glad to see your response. I think it's entirely fair to develop your own style – I know Jarhead from Massive Voodoo spent a lot of time getting criticism from the miniature painting community in the early days only to come out with a slayer sword this past year. I love his work personally and it's a subjective thing. I also think there is a disconnect between what pictures on a computer screen show and what a model looks like in real life. The key is, if you are happy with what you produce and your customers are happy as well, then that is what is important. I often tell people that it is YOUR hobby so you should paint models how you want. I apologize for being hyper-critical. I crave constructive criticism on my blog, because it is really the only thing that helps me improve. But I understand that not everyone craves it as I do.
Anyway, you've heard my criticisms – but really, I want to also let you know that you have really developed a mood for your minis. The world you create is a dark and creepy one and that is perhaps the pinnacle of our art, creating an alternate world for the viewer.
I invite you to check out my work and shred it to pieces as well! haha! Really though, read my blog…I need readers. Desperately.
Sorry Tim but I see nothing wrong with the paint job…Have you never tried the toothbrush effect ??
He was going for something a bit different to everyone elsr.
Hence the organic armor look and color gradations…
I've been modelling and painting since the 60's with Frog and Airfix and have built display models for Museums,Embassies and private clients,so I think I know a good job when I see one…
Good for you! What makes a 'good job' is largely subjective. Sure, you know what a good job is to YOU, but to me, it's entirely different.
I am just expressing my opinion in the hopes that ThirdEye could get some different perspective that might help his painting. Unlike you, I am not claiming to be the authority on miniature painting, rather I am an observer who is expressing opinions. If ThirdEye doesn't like what I have to say, he can simply ignore it.
Hey Cheers all :), the model was a lot of fun to paint 🙂
I really love eldar if I ever start up a 40k army again I'm tottally getting these monsters haha
Nice, I think the model really suits your style. I'm not certain what the guy above with the critical essay is smoking though as it looks all good to me. Look forward to see the new Tyranids.
Meh, not smoking anything, just feel painters need to hear more than "looks awesome man" or else they will not get better.
Ten paints full time as a commission painter, so I'm certain like anyone who does the same thing all the time they improve. He also stated above that the photos are not the best as he was trying a new camera out!! I doubt very much he rushed this as the model looks awesome. I was just joking about smoking as I have noticed you a lot criticizing Tens work in previous posts. I even remember him explaining that the spatter effect he uses was from a certain airbrush. Personally I love the model above.as I do a lot of his work.
Not sure how I feel about this one. There seems to be a lot of overspray on the head and it seems you had some clump of paint on the needle when you did, which is why it is grainy like that. I feel that the color transitions are too organic for something technological like this. I think your style worked best on that lizard man dinosaur, the DE hydra and such. The base also needs a lot of work. Looks like it was sprayed black and grey and you called it a day. Overall I'd say that this model represents a lack of control. It also looks like it was rushed, like you didn't take more than an afternoon or two to paint it. Sorry. This is kind of a dick thing to say but that's why we show people our work, right? For feedback? And only getting positive feedback doesn't make us better.
you have have one of the best painting styles around. I love your realism and grit.