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Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some boss models of the Bad Moons clan. See them all and have some orky fun, after the jump…

Above is my version of Grukk Facerippa from the Stormclaw box set, painted in Bad Moons livery.

Fantastic model, nothing more to say…

I converted this Biker Nob from a Black Reach Deffkopta, using spare parts from the Dakka Jet, for example the grot in the anti-air turret and the personal squig.

I’m always having a blast in doing orky conversions because you are free to use everything you might possibly find in your bits box…

This Biker Nob was converted more or less in the same way like the previous model, but with different bits for a slightly different result. Kustom job well done I’d say 😉

Warboss from Assault on Black Reach, which I converted a little bit. I changed the head and the power klaw, which I replaced with a Dreadnought power fist.

I hope you like these models, feel free to leave a comment, waaaaaaagghhhh!