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Hey all, today I thought I’d show a Ironjawz Megaboss that I finished painting a few days ago.

I have had this model sitting around on my work desk since it’s day of release. The model itself for a Orc is pretty big. I have used unfinished Stormcast in the final photo to show size comparison. I painted the model in seperate pieces and then glued it together I’d say about 70% in as this way it was easier to get to all those hard areas such as the face. This is not something I would normally do, but for this model it made thing’s alot easier.

My plan is to build up a small AOS army to play at my local store. I’m finding it really hard to decide which army to choose. My ideal armies are Nurgle Daemon, Ironjawz or Undead. I will paint a sample model for each and then go with whichever one was the most fun. What do you think?