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Hey guy’s, today I thought I’d show some Necron Immortals from my almost completed 2000pt Necron army list.
As a whole the army has taken about year and a half to complete. Which is a long time, but I think it will be worth it. I choose Necrons as they are fairly easy and relaxing to paint compared to a lot of other armies. They are also quite nice to paint between other commission work as quick rewards. Hopefully I should have everything finished around Christmas time and then I will post them up. What do you think?
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Chrome! I'd never thought of that. I'll give it a go. I think maybe I was trying to get too many mid tones on there. Thanks for your help.
I love them, and I've been thinking about doing some Necrons after my Imperial Fists are "finished" for the same reason – quick and look good. Have you ever done a tutorial on the glow effect, because I really like it. I feel like I should be able to do it, but I'm never really happy with it.
Hey cheers Tallifer. Do you mean the glow on the gun?
Yep, the glow on the gun. Every time I try it, it ends up looking mediocre at best. It's probably just a too-high-psi
Tallifer, basically I would air brush the area black, then the colour of choice ussually a darker shade of green or blue or whatever you like. Then airbrush white in the centre. Then I would drybrush that area lightly with Vallejo chrome. Hope that helps.
Just love Necrons and these are no exception =)
Well done 😀
I really cant wait to see the finished product. You have done an awesome job of painting them and in a style that looks great. Keep up the good work 🙂
Zac, yeah hopefully over Christmas I can get everything finished. I just need to finish 3 Wraiths and paint a bunch of Flayed Ones. But I think it can be done. Would be nice.
Hey Siph and Minijunkie. Completely agree on giving the gaus blasters a tint of green to make them stand out more. I actually picked up an old GW green glaze paint a few weeks ago, so will give it a go.
I think they are great, well done. The gauss glow does look similar to the rock colour, perhaps to make them really pop, a bright orange gauss glow, or reddish hues in the bedrock? Only my personal opinion, not to take away from the great paint job fella!
As they are now it would be easy to hit them with green tint and make them pop. I agree with Siph.