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Hey all and hope you’re having an awesome Saturday!! Today I’m showing some recently finished Genestealer Cult Sentinels.
I love this model, in fact out of the entire GW range it has always been my favourite. I painted the models in two different colour schemes both camouflaged. I liked the idea of the Genestealer Cult picking up infected stray followers from different Imperial Guard armies that would join them. The Genestealer Cult symbol is from the Neophyte Hybrid Squad box set. I’m planning on painting more of the Imperial Guard type Genestealer Cult models as I really like this idea of these infected soldiers. It’s a really dark idea. What do you guys think?
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Thanks for sharing they are amazing! I was wondering what base / highlight colors you used?
These look great and outflanking Plasma Cannons on an AV12 front is most annoying for the enemy, especially at that price! I'm gonna get three!
I still need to do another one. Rule wise they are pretty sweet!
Whenever I see sentinels I always think they're going to fall forward.
Ha ha 🙂 Yeah, I always thought that as well.
Those are fantastic. Cheers for sharing. Matt