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I already painted a few Ryza pattern structures and ruins before. Now I complete the Sector Fronteris Killzone by painting all the terrain features from the final Ryza sprue included in the set – plus a cute boxy Cogitator. More after the jump.

All my Ryza pattern ruins and buildings come in to STC sanctioned colour schemes: Petrol and black. Did I already mention that Incubi Darkness is one of my favourite colours?

The models in this post can be found on a sprue exclusive to the Sector Fronteris Killzone and Moonbase Klaisus set. They add some much need variety to the very samey looking ruins from the Ryza pattern ruins box. I also added some broken ceiling parts from the intact Ryza building sprue exclusive to Sector Fronteris.

For some reason, I really love this cogitator unit from the Sector Imperials Objectives set. It reminds me of my teenage years when I built and modded PCs in often absurdly big cases.

Only a few more pieces to go to complete my 40k/Necromunda/Kill Team terrain collection. Next up are two of the tall Sector Imperialis statues. Do you like my scenery so far? Leave a comment or reaction below!