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Hey everyone, in today’s post I share pictures of my Black Legion army… seems appropriate as Cadia is about to fall to Abaddon’s 13th Black Crusade. Unit close up shots after the jump.
So, who’s going to be collecting a Chaos army now? Do you think we’ll get a new Abaddon figure?
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Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Stunning army and a big inspiration to finish my own BL. Everything is so crisply painted but the Helbrute's face is my favourite.
Awesome army, great paint job!always a pleasure to see your armies mate! Do u play much games with them ?
Never. Haven't played a game in years.
Looks great. Let's hope this isn't the last crusade of 40K as we know it.
That a Abbadon is amazing! Hope they gonna release a new model for his final crusade. Anything else would be a big disappointment
Lovely work! I've read a few tutorials on black infantry models here – how different is the process when you're painting a vehicle (like that lovely Rhino)?
That's an awesome looking army. Nice work.
Love the Rhino of all things.
How do you do the awesome gold colour on them?
There you go.
That is pretty darn cool!!!
A stunning sight.
Looks like the contents of dark vengeance and execution force with some additions.
Love the Abaddon