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Another update on my Wraithknight. Apart from the warp vanes and head, the upper body is complete now. I also painted all the additional armour plates for the hips. Still a lot of work left, but the model starts shaping up. By the way, I have a special announcement to make regarding this month’s issue of White Dwarf. Find out more after the jump.

I’m pleased to say this month’s Parade Ground is all about me. My first White Dwarf feature ever! Four pages dedicated to some of my favourite models. Professionally photographed by the WD team when I visited Warhammer World last year. Best of all, Garfy, Banzai1000 and FruitBear are featured in the Readers’ Models section as well. Truly an epic issue, bursting with loads of great hobby content, including an extra long Paintsplatter plus an ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass on blending. February’s White Dwarf is out on Friday for those who don’t have a subscription, so don’t miss out.