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So I finished a really big project recently and I’m excited to share it with you! I’m a very slow painter compared with some of the others here on TOP, but after months in the making here is my converted Warshrine of Tzeentch.

This model has been great fun to work on and is the current centre piece of my Tzeentch army. It really pushed my painting skills but I’m satisfied with the outcome.

It’s converted using parts from the Burning Chariot to enhance its dedication to Tzeentch. The sharp- or multi-eyed readers amongst you may have noticed a cameo from Slop, the walking fish familiar from Silver Tower on the model’s base too!

The Warshrine is carried by a pair of indentured mutants. I used thin layers of Pallid Wych Flesh and Slaanesh Grey to build up the skin with glazes of purple and Reikland Fleshshade to add tone.

The Warshrines’s many eyes were painted ivory white and glazed with Baharroth Blue. To get the contrast up I applied a recess shade of Sotek Green around and then an edge highlight of Baharroth Blue to create the other glow.

The flames on the miniature Were painted in a similar way, with an Ivory basecoat and glazed with various shades of blue. I applied a glaze of Sotek Green to the surrounding area to provide the tint for the light source effect before building up select edge highlights with Templeguard Blue and Baharroth Blue.

Atop the altar is a daemonic grimoire. I freehanded runes and spells into it’s pages. To build on the theme of sorcery I converted a pair of floating book-familliars to accompany the Shrine Keeper. One hovers by the pulpit as he casts an incantation from it’s pages.

The Shrinekeeper is magnetised so he can be played on foot too – look out for a future post on him!

Kairic Accolytes and the Blasted Standard Bearer march to war beside the Warshrine. With this centrepiece model done I’m looking forward to painting up some daemons and Tzaangor to add to my growing Arcanite army!

As ever I love to hear your feedback in the Comments. You can also find me on Instagram too, where I post work in progress shots.

Until next time…