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Here’s the first WIP shot of the Foetid Float-Drone. Wow, what were they thinking when they came up with that name? Is it some kind of pun that’s lost on me?
Anyway, what a nice model. I like the Nurgle drones a lot. The painting scheme will be along the lines of the Death Guard. There’s a lot of flesh showing (in the back), which is always fun. So yeah, I got the recipe down at this point and I hope I get this model done quickly.
Keep in mind I’m still taking votes on which chapter to use for painting my Primaris Marines, so feel free to throw your votes into the comments. 🙂 For questions, ideas and indeed commission requests and such you can contact me via e-mail, my website or the Battle Brush Studios FB page.
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Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios. As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Very cool, I haven't started on my Death Guard yet but I've finished a squad of intercessors & started the two Lieutenants & the ancient. I was torn between Crimson Fists & Black Templars, (I like IF but I really struggle painting yellow) but I went for Crimson Fists in the end so it would be nice to see you do Black Templars.
Thanks for the comment, Matt. I put another vote down for Black Templars. 🙂
Pretty sure it's Foetid Bloat Drone, not float drone! Though equally not the most original name! Etymology aside the paint scheme is awesome, any chance of a tutorial on the white armour?
Yikes, noted! Guess I took the floating attribute as being more impressive than the fact that it's bloated. 😀
Tutorial – as I said, depends on whether or not I have time. It's really simple though: dark green, "hemp"/hay colour, off-white, white, bunch of washes, highlight where necessary. Metallics as usual: Tin Bitz or equivalent, highlight, mix some turquoise paint with a wash, apply as pin wash / ink, add white to the mix and do the whole thing again where necessary, highlight.