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Hey guys, today I thought I’d show a Grand Alliance Death Soulblight Coven Throne that I painted years ago when it was first released.
Back in the day they would have been under the title Vampire Count. Not certain which one I prefer but the model itself is quite stunning and would be interesting to see one painted up, but on a round base. At the time I remember puttting a huge amount of effort into painting this. I think in my next post I’ll show a few projects that I have been working on over the summer. What do you think of the Coven Throne?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Holy Cow, Nuke uses color??
Gorgeous! Great job on the red and blue contrast while still tying it all together.
How many hours would you estimate you spent on it?