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Season’s Greetings to all our readers on Tale of Painters! And an update on Zarbag’s Gitz. I completed the two Squig models which were a blast to paint. I also started work on the first Goblin model, which serves as the test model for the rest of the warband. In case you’re wondering how I painted the Squig and Grot skin, have a look at my paint recipes after the jump.

For the Squigs I wanted a darker red as on the ‘Eavy Metal versions, so I started with a base coat of Khorne Red, then washed a 1:1 mix of Nuln Oil Gloss and Army Painter Dark Tone Ink [can be replaced with Nuln Oil instead] all over. The Nuln Oil Gloss helps to reduce the surface tension oand “pushes” the pigment into the recesses even more. Then, I drybrushed heavily with Khorne Red, then more gentle with old foundation paint Mechrite Red. Finally, I applied highlights of Mechrite Red, followed by Tuskgor Fur. For the lips and gums I applied a basecoat of Pink Horror, washed with Carroburg Crimson, layered Pink Horror, and highlighted with a mix of Pink Horror and Formula P3 Midlund Flesh first, and pure Midlund Flesh second. You could use Flayed One Flesh instead of Midlund Flesh, but Midlund Flesh is more pink and will compliment the Pink Horror better.

The Grot skin was basecoated with Skarsnik Green, then I washed Army Painter Green Tone Ink all over [Biel-Tan Green]. I then applied Coelia Greenshade directly into the deepest recesses for further shading. Next I layered Skarsnik Green, then mixed successive amounts of Vallejo Game Color Dead Flesh into Skarsnik Green for two stages of highlighting, before I highlighted with pure Dead Flesh [closest Citadel paint for Dead Flesh would be Krieg Khaki, though it might be more yellowish]. Then I painted the mouth with Incubi Darkness, glazed the lower lip with thinned Kabalite Green, then highlighted with a mix of Kabalite Green and Dead Flesh. Teeth were painted with P3 Trollblood Highlight [Stormvermin Fur] and highlighted with Reaper Master Series Polished Bone [Pallid Wych Flesh] and VMC White [White Scar]. The eyes were painted Mephiston Red, then highlighted with Wild Rider Red.

Phew. How do you like my rendition of Zarbag’s Gitz so far? Leave a comment or reaction below 🙂