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Hi all! Today I would like to show you how I basecaot a Sepulchral Guard from Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire for further painting. Here we have the assembled model straight out of the box. More after the jump…

For the first step I applied a coat of Chaos Black primer.

For the second step I used Corax White and sprayed it on the model with a steep angle from above. This is called zenithal highlighting and you can use an airbrush for it as well. You now have an idea of where light and shadows are.

Third step: another zenithal highlight, this time with Mournfang Brown spray paint.

Fourth step: a little bit of Khorne Red spray. 

Fifth and final step: Another zenithal highlight, this time with Averland Sunset spray.

For all steps I used the spray cans from Games Workshop. You have to be careful when using these. Gently push the trigger once or twice and keep your distance to the model to slowly build up the effect.

Now I think I have a good starting point for painting all the details and an excellent basecoat for all the rusty weapons and armour pieces. To speed things up, you could also skip step four and five and start painting right away.

Happy painting… have you played around with zenithal highlighting as well? What are your experiences?

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