Hi there, Rich here to share a few pictures of my growing Ultramarines force. As you can see it is a “second edition inspired” army. It is actually a collection of figures from late Rogue Trader through to early 3rd edition with a couple of exceptions. I collect old White Dwarfs from that era and was inspired to paint my own (not least by Garfy’s 2nd edition marines too).
The project started a year ago, I had no intention of making an army out of it, I just picked up this metal and plastic tactical squad to paint up over the Christmas break of 2016.
However over the course of 2017 I picked up different units here and there and painted them in this colour scheme. I really like the juxtaposition of the ultramarine blue and the bright orange/red.
The scout squad was a lot of fun to paint, there is just so much detail on these models, they are lovely. It is also helpful that the snipers and heavy bolder are very effective in the current edition rules. These models aren’t just a painting project, I play with them in games too!
You’ll probably have noticed a couple of exceptions to my rule of old miniatures in this force, notably Guilliman who I painted for the Gathering Storm campaign and this Land Raider Proteus. The proteus is a lovely Forge World kit which has clearly drawn on heavily from the design of the original Rogue Trader Land Raider.
Finally we have the heroes, from left to right a Techmarine, Imperial Assassin, Marneus Calgar, Tigurius, an Imperial Psyker and an Apothecary. I always really enjoy painting heroes and like many other army painters, I like to break up painting rank and file troops with a hero or two. That’s it from me for today thanks for taking a look, I hope you enjoy my nostalgic take on Ultramarines and I hope to be back soon with more units to share with you.
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Please do the tutorial soon. I have been inspired to create an old edtion ultra's my self
We need a paint tutorial on this!
I could do one on the assault marines I’m about to do..!
Please do the tutorial. I'm curious as to how you evoked this style. Thanks!
Stunning work. Love the retro colours. What colour did you use for the blue?
I use ultramarine blue from Vallejo and the old citadel ultramarines blue, I use citadel ice blue to highlight.
F yeah! You cannot build enough monuments to Mike McVey and the Citadel “red” period. But this comes damn close.
Thanks Kaiserx, very kind! I have a soft spot for that classic period 🙂
Really cool. I started the hobby when I was 11 and my first Ultramarines looked similar, though the painting was a lot less tidy than yours 😉
I began in December 2000, this style was just being phased out for the new grim dark that 3rd edition ushered in. My stuff was a mess back then!
Super awesome. I feel as if I have just teleported back to the 90s 🙂 I love the raider.
Thank you ThirdEyeNuke 🙂 I get the same feeling when I look at them, it makes me smile!
Very very happy to see these on the blog. They're just so cool. Great work mate.
Thanks Garfy, it’s a real honour to be featured on here as an avid reader of the blog for the last 3 or so years!
I didn’t even notice that was the FW Proteus due to your excellent old school paint job, I thought it was the original!
Thank you sir, very kind!
What an awesome project. Really enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.
I’m really glad you have, hopefully more in the future 🙂
The nostalgia factor! It's over 9000! 😉
Seriously great stuff, dude. I actually thought the Land Raider was a vintage one on first glance. Those are my favourite Scout Models, too. Goodwin seriously hit the ball out of the park with them. I have a ton of them that I've picked up over the years. Just wish there had been more variants for the non-CCW loadouts.
Thanks Westrider that’s very kind, I’d still love a classic RT Land raider but I’m happy with my FW one for now! Yea I know what you mean about the scouts, I’ve got some shotgun armed ones I’ll be working on next 🙂
This looks boss 😀 Seems I am not the only one with a 2nd Edition inspired army. You can find it here: https://imgur.com/gallery/vbDCL
Most of the models are 2nd Edition Nids with some 'competetive' addons 😉
Thanks Grot 🙂 No, there seems to be a bit of resurgence in this style over the last few years. I’ll be sure to check it out!