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Hey there, now that I’ve almost finished my Necromunda cardboard terrain collection I started to paint a couple more scenic pieces to complete my terrain collection. I picked up the Kill Team Sector Sanctoris box for the cool Imperial statues and scatter terrain. Check out the first two pieces, with more angles and a cool scenic shot after the jump.

Instead of a marble or stone effect, I chose a rich brass for the statues, a colour I already use as a spot colour on my other scenery pieces. It’s VGC Brassy Brass applied with an airbrush, then I applied a 1:1 mix of Agrax Earthshade Gloss and Nuln Oil Gloss all over. The verdigris is Wizards Orb from The Army Painter thinned with Contrast Medium, and then some Nihilakh Oxide for the lighter areas. Finally, I drybrushed with Gladius Bronze from Greenstuff World and finally with Vallejo Mecha Color Steel. I then painted the rubble to match my other terrain pieces and bases.

Here is a cool scenic shot of my classic Tigurius model with the broken statues in the background. The backdrop is just a photo print of a dramatic sky, the “ground” is a playmat from Warhammer 40.000 Conquest (though a Kill Team board works just as well).

How do you like my paint scheme for these statues? Leave a comment or reaction below 🙂