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Hi all, Rich back again with some more pictures and close ups of my ‘2nd edition inspired’ Ultramarines after the jump.

I thought I’d open with my Land Raider, it’s a model I’m really happy with, although it is one of the few exceptions to me self imposed rule of only using models from late Rogue Trader through to early 3rd edition. Many people at first glance mistake it for the original Rogue Trader Land Raider and particularly with a classic paint job, I can see why. It’s actually a Forge World Land Raider Proteus which is clearly inspired by the original plastic Land Raider.

Next up we have my Predator Annihilator, I love the combination of the bright red (I’m still using my Blood Red from 2004!) and blue.

I like the ‘fully loaded’ look of this predator with its dozer blade, side sponsons and storm bolter mounted atop that lovely domed turret.

Next up we have the Razorback, I find this tank really fun because of the open top style turret, it seems really silly to have a fully enclosed tank with an open turret!

Here you can see how exposed the gunner really is, it feels quite strange to see a Marine in power armour without a backpack, you can just see he is wired into the turret.

On the shoulder pad and the front of the track you can see the skull signifying that I use this Razorback as a transport for my captain and command squad.

Moving away from the tanks we have this terminator squad, these models have lots of lovely detail and although they are noticeably smaller than their current day counterparts you can see even back in their day they were spilling over the edge of their bases.

Finally we have my apothecary, solely because I’m pleased with how the white came out and it makes a nice change from all of the blue! I hope you’ve enjoyed a closer look at my Ultramarines and I hope to be back soon with something a little different for you…