Another model from the Lords of Decay army that I have just finished for a customer. I’m not certain if this was a limited edition Ogryn Beserker as the regular model on Forge Worlds website has a drill and a claw fist, whereas this one has a giant claw and is holding a Death Korp of Krieg in his hand. I must say I actually prefer this version of the model. Asides I have put the 2 marines in the photo for scale purpose. I always thought the Renegade Ogryns would look pretty cool converted to be Obliterators. What do you guys think?
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would love to see a tutorial on this paint scheme, moves away from your typical green rot nurgle approach.
The pure white head and jet black eyes is the stuff of nightmares! Looks so ethereal and ghostly.
Sorry, but this is really unattractive. This photo just makes it look like some really lower than average greenstuff though I know it's a bag/hood over the ogryn's face. I love the Krieg trooper and the other work, but the hood just looks messy.
This one shows the bag/hood
That is indeed a limited edition model from some years ago. Sold only at Games Day and all that.
This is once again, great. So much character and dynamism in that model!