Having finished off April’s Deathmark unit, I pledged to paint 6 Scarab bases. A nice and easy unit to paint which would hopefully leave me some spare time this month to paint some Black Legion. To make my life easier I painted the bases first, last thing I wanted to happen was my carefully painted Scarabs end up covered in GW Armageddon Dust texture paint. Read on on to find out how you can participate in the Tale of Mega painters project.
Are you painting a battleforce/megaforce and want to join in?
Now you can! Stahly and I would like to open this project up to everyone. If you’re a member of the Tale of Painters blog list and you’re blogging about a Games Workshop army we would love to feature your models on the Tale of Painters blog. Send me an email at garfy.taleofpainters@gmail.com with a link to your blog and make sure you include a couple of pictures and a paragraph or two about your army project. We look forward to hearing from you.
Want to know more about the Tale of Mega Painters, click here.
Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium
to a surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other implements,
such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can be used. In art,
the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action.
However, painting is also used outside of art as a common trade among craftsmen and builders.
Paintings may have for their support such surfaces as walls, paper, canvas, wood, glass,
lacquer, clay, leaf, copper or concrete, and may incorporate multiple other materials including sand,
clay, paper, gold leaf as well as objects.