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Hello everyone, this post will be different from my previous Nighthaunt posts with a little something to cut through the spookiness. With that I present to you Sevrin Steelheart from the Shadespire game. Like so many other painters here on TOP I really welcomed Shadespire with open arms, more if I had more arms. After seeing Lecoqadoodledo’s Shadespire Stormcast, I was determined to start painting mine but didn’t’ get far as I only painted one.

I decided to follow the box art as best as I could with the exception of the sword. i wanted to do a NMM crystal blade as I love painting those blades.I really love this model but I think Lecoqadoodledo would agree with me that this is one of the most frustrating miniatures we’ve ever painted. As I couldn’t do much in terms of sub assemblies I painted the mini as a whole. There were a lot of hard to reach places and painted the face took me quite a long time. I re painted the eyes over and over again and at the end am still not really satisfied with the outcome. In the end once the eyes got close to what i wanted I left it there.

I hope you like this version of the box art. If you have any questions of comments please leave them bellow. Take care everyone and happy painting!