Hello Everyone! This is my first post for the Tale of Painters, and I am going to share some models from my Lumineth Realm-Lords Army. Starting with one of the baddest cows to ever wield two giant hammers in the mortal realms Avalenor – The Stone Heart King.

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Avalenor the Stone Heart King - Lumineth Realm Lords - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Avalenor the Stone Heart King – Lumineth Realm Lords – Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Before we start talking about how amazing Lumineth Realm-lords are I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Steve but I go by @Fizz_gig_ on the the internet. I am a professional photographer based in Michigan and paint mostly for some creative relief and to play games with friends. In December of 2019 after stoping in a hobby shop I picked up a 5 man unit of Skeleton Warriors and really jumped into the hobby with both feet.

Miniature painting has been in the background of my life for much longer however due to my father being an avid scale modeler. I remember seeing amazing display cases of mini’s at hobby shops when he would go support his “Pile of Opportunity”. At one point I did receive the 6th edition Fantasy starter box but since the only true memory I have of that box is the smell of citadel spray paint, and terribly fuzzy black primed miniatures, I don’t really count it toward my hobby journey (but I sure would love to paint that box now). Hopefully this gives you a little insight into who I am, but let move on to talking about some elves.

I am sure many of you felt the same way when you first saw these…cowboys. There was a strange mix of emotions that left me wanting something/anything else but now I have come around to defend these walking hamburgers with all of my heart.

Avalenor the Stone Heart King - Lumineth Realm Lords - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Avalenor the Stone Heart King – Lumineth Realm Lords – Warhammer Age of Sigmar

I built my first Spirit of the Mountain during a path to glory campaign, but soon after went back to build Avalenor the Stone Heart King. Avalenor has a some really great upsides when compared to the unnamed version. For example his Guardian of Hysh ability subtracts one to hit rolls for enemy units within range, and his Unshakeable Faith of Mountain command ability adds one to the attack characteristic of D3 friendly Alarith Aelf units. Which can really help those units of Stoneguard stay in the game longer, and push out more damage.

Avalenor the Stone Heart King - Lumineth Realm Lords - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Avalenor the Stone Heart King – Lumineth Realm Lords – Warhammer Age of Sigmar

How do you feel about this Stoneheart King? or what is your favorite Lumineth Realm-Lords model? Would love to hear your thoughts about it below, or let me know how you feel about this post with a reaction.