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Finally, I completed my unit of Aeldari Windriders. Painting them wasn’t too difficult, nevertheless, they took a while to finish, as you essentially have to paint two models in one (the jetbikes and the riders). I also had to face a lot of crunch time in my job the last couple of weeks, so my hobby time diminished. But the result was worth it, I feel they compliment my Iybraesil collection very well.

This is my Warlock Skyrunner, leading the charge. I just used the rider parts and the Warlock rune and put him on a regular jetbike so I could keep the embossed carapace for my Farseer conversion.

The design on the carapace is based on the Warlock and Windriders runes.

To add my own touch, I swapped the regular Guardian heads for the ones with the rebreather style face masks that come with the War Walker and Support Weapon kits. The kit comes with male torsos only, so I sculpted some female shapes on two riders for more gender equality.

The designs on the carapaces were drawn in Adobe Illustrator and printed them on decal paper, then, once fixed in position, I painted over with black to blend them in. It took a couple of test prints to match the curved shape.

I heard Windriders were pretty hot in 7th Edition, but not so more in 8th. Brilliant that I waited so long painting these 😉

In my next post I will reveal the matching Farseer Skyrunner, so stay tuned. Until then, I’d be happy about some comments or reactions below.