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The first vehicle to come with an issue of Warhammer 40,000: Conquest is the Myphitic Blight Hauler, it’s also my first Daemon Engine joining the ranks of my Death Guard. After the jump, some more pics all around this monstrous parasite and some group shots.

My third subscription delivery came with issues 7, 8, 9 and 10 and the Blight Hauler is from issue 10.  The Blight Hauler is part of Games Workshop’s  ‘Easy to Build’ range and the retail price is £15. The Magazine costs £7.99 so it’s a pretty good deal. 

I stuck to my Death Guard painting tutorial pretty well. I only really changed the order of things. I painted all the silver metals first like the tank tracks, then I painted all the Daemonic flesh parts then I painted the green armour before finally finishing the model with all the detail on top. I painted it out of the order of the tutorial because because of the way the model is layered. I didn’t want to paint the armour first only to get dry brushed metals all over the green.

I quite like this group shot alongside two of my other Daemon Engines. I think he fits in great because they all share the same paint recipes. It’s no coincidence the metals, Daemon skin and bone parts are all painted the same way. Effectively the only change is the armour colour. One day I hope to extend this to other factions… new Khorne Berzerkers would be cool!

Finally, here is the group shot of all the Death Guard from Warhammer 40,000 Conquest. Come back soon where I share an image of the Death Guard and Primaris from issues 1-10.

Garfy’s Get a Grips available to order with same day dispatch here or here for non UK buyers.   

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay