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I made some good progress on my kitbashed Sanguinary Priest. Painting-wise I went with a pale cream similar to the ‘Eavy Metal paint job of the plastic Sanguinary Priest. I basecoated the armour with Pallid Wych Flesh, then shaded the recesses with Formula P3 Hammerfall Khaki (Karak Stone should be decent replacements). For the highlights I used a mix of Pallid Wych Flesh and white for the first step, and pure white for the second and final highlight. I’m really fond of the paint scheme, such a great idea by the ‘Eavy Metal team. Now, onto the remaining details!
How do you like the model so far?
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
I like this kind of cream colour for the Sanguinary boy, at least its a new scheme for the usual bone/white power armour! The face/head is really well made Stahly, many compliments…
Parchements over the shoulder is Rakath flesh right?
Cheers guys 🙂
stahly, I'm constantly impressed by your work, but this one is unique. I've found painting white and black – and not having them look flat and lifeless – is the hardest thing in the hobby to do.
I'm really digging the armor. It's very clean and the overall scheme/process is a great way to make white look good. You definitely have a knack for painting Blood Angels.
how were you able to get that effect of the khaki on the joints and underlines over the white armor? … was the white drybrushed? I'm a bit new painting ^^, but the overall look looks amazing
I basecoated the armour with Pallid Wych Flesh, then the khaki was painted directly into the joints and underlines with a small brush and a lot of patience. Then I used Pallid Wych Flesh again to clean up any untidy areas.
I love your work … splendid and simple … hope to get more tutorials from you … I'm trying to make a vio'la sept army for my tau/fe … last check was like 5 years ago (still trying to use the old gw paints), but I hope to get the technique … this posts help alot