The next addition to my Hive Fleet Kraken Splinter Fleet Kill Team is this Heavy Gunner Tyranid Warrior beast, boasting a gruesome long-barreled Venom Cannon. Find out how this model fared in my Kill Team games, and check out more pictures in this post.

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Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warriors Heavy Gunner with Venom Cannon on a white background, painted by Stahly
Back view of Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warriors Heavy Gunner with Venom Cannon on a white background, painted by Stahly

This is the second Tyranid Warrior for my Hive Fleet Compendium Kill Team, a Heavy Gunner with Venom Cannon. Tyranid Warriors are super tanky in Kill Team, with a wounds count of 18, which is what makes this team quite capable even against non-Compendium Kill Teams. With AP1, the Cannon is also quite punchy, although the model has not yet scored a mega hit in my three games with the team. But the psychological effect is enormous, nobody wants to be in the firing line.

The Cannon was painted with Speedpaint Peachy Flesh over a dark red to white zenithal basecoat, then glazed with multiple thin coats of Speedpaint Familiar Pink. You can find more details in my free Hive Fleet Kraken tutorial here on the blog, check steps 11 to 14 and 26 to 30.

Cinematic shot of a Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warriors Heavy Gunner with Venom Cannon, painted by Stahly

Only one more model to complete the squad. I’m already wondering what to paint next, would really love to experiment with the new Striking Scorpions from Kill Team: Salvation, which I reviewed here. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write them in the comments or post them on our Discord server. Thanks a lot, and stay tuned for the next update.