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Hey all, today I’m showcasing the relatively new Kytan Daemon Engine of Khorne by Forge World.

It’s quite a large model standing at ten inches tall and certainly dwarfs a Imperial Knight. The kit itself is fairly complex to assemble as you have a lot ways you can pose the model, and in doing so you have to cut pistons to hold the legs into place. I heard a few people call this model chicken legs, but the legs are actually very bulky in relation to the relation to the rest of the model.

To paint I used mainly Comm Art airbrush paints and Tamiya for the metallics. I also used Rub n’ Buff for the golds to highlight them. Rub n’ Buff is a product used mainly for decorating and repairing antique frames. Overall as with all Forge World kits I’m a big fan of what they did and can’t wait to get my hands on the new Chaos Knight they put out last week. I left the images large so you can open them in a new window.