Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with more Chaos Legion goodness!
I’ve always been a fan of the Chaos Legions, but since I mostly play Death Guard and Thousand Sons I never really have had the chance to paint the other Legions without building out a force. I’ve always had a soft spot for dreadnoughts, they are just so iconic to Warhammer, so I decided to start collecting Contemptor Dreadnoughts from each legion to give me that chance to paint them all. When I’ve eventually collected and painted them, the grand plan is to make a small diorama to show them off.
Seeing as I already have a Death Guard force, I decided to start with them. I fully magnetized the dread (you can find my quick tutorial on the Brookhammer website) so I could hot-swap weapons on them all. I also magnetized the feet of the dread so when I eventually do a diorama, it can look at home on that display as well as a base themed for my army.
If you like this model and want to see more, leave a comment or reaction below, check out my site www.silvernome.com or follow my gaming group’s Instagram.
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I've seen a couple of cool projects to paint a tactical marine from each of the first founding legions (and will hopefully do it myself some day), but this is taking it to a whole other level! I checked your blog and you seem to be making good progress on the Dreads with three already done, and they're all painted up beautifully!
Thanks so much! Yeah, I love the idea of individual marines to test out the schemes, but figured these dreads have so much more flavor for each of the legions, why not?