Slender and alluring, the Keeper of Secrets strides confidently through the ruins of the Varanspire seeking those who might lead her to the imprisoned Dark Prince.

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I painted this model at the start of July and I’d been looking forward to painting it for ages. I actually bought the model a year ago so I was happy to finally get her finished. This model is really hard to paint. You have to paint it in sub-assemblies, it’s the only way to paint the flowing, overlapping fabrics.
In my tweet you can see the sub-assemblies. Painting handle link here.

The Keeper of Secrets brings my Greater Daemon count to 2. My plan for a Daemon army with all 4 Greater Daemons is progressing nicely. I think I’d like to get the Great Unclean One next.

Below are a couple of tutorials for my Slaanesh Daemons. I used these as a basis for the Keeper of Secrets.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay