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Hi all! So here is my very first model of the Shadowspear box set: The Master of Possession, painted in the livery of the Black Legion. I shared the box set with a mate because I was only interested in the new Chaos Space Marine models. For the time being, I will try to do as many models I can (don’t know for how long I can stay motivated for Chaos :). Actually, I also have the new Abbadon model on my painting desk. But my next post will be for Haarken Worldclaimer instead, which was the first Black Legionnaire I painted.
So stay tuned for some more Chaos and leave a comment or reaction below…
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Banzai1000 is a hobbyist from Germany with over 15 years of experience, and a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine. He is known for his masterful conversions and loves to come up with spectacular Armies on Parade entries every year. So far he scored five Armies on Parade gold medals, as well as three Golden Demon finalist pins.
Thx mate, appriciate it and of course you have to start with that box set, it's great stuff….
Very very nice paint work mate. You're making me want to paint mine.
Very well painted! I love the darker (brownish) skulls… too white or clean wouldn't look proper for Chaos.
Is the black Armor Edge-Highlighted with "Thunderhawk Blue"?
I tried "Fenrisian Grey" but it turned out too stark…
Thx! I used both, first Thunderhawk Blue and then Fenrisian Grey. You also can start with Dark Reaper…..
Holy smokes!:O So good!
Thank you very much, really enjoyed this one…..
Love it!