On Tuesday 4th December, I reviewed the Hobbit Boxed Game, two and a half months later and I’ve finished painting everything including documenting detailed tutorials for the models in the box. Read on to see some action shots and close ups of the finished models. 

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For £75, you actually get a lot of models in the box, the shots above look rammed with miniatures, I can barely fit them all on the Goblin Town scenery .

In these shots we have some medium depth of field action shots of the main characters. These are a little more interesting then the white background shots you’ve seen for the past two months

Below are the close ups of all the finished models. I’ve listed their names under each picture and if you click the name it will take you to that model’s tutorial. 

Gandalf, Bilbo and Radaghast

Balin, Thorin and Dwalin

Bofur, Bombur and Bifur

Kili and Fili

Ori, Dori and Nori 

Oin and Gloin

Goblin Scribe, Captain, Goblin King and Grinnah

36 Goblins

So, what’s next for Garfy and project Hobbit? Sadly, that’s it for now. I need to return to 40k for a little bit and start working on my Black Legion and Necrons (more on the Necron project here). I also want to paint the last three models from Tyranid Attack so I can say that’s complete as well. However, I really want to paint the Trolls and the Eagles so I might have to get those boxes in a month or two. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and offer encouragement. You really helped me get through this project. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay