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Hey all 🙂 You may be thinking what is this with just a undercoat, but
to me it’s quite important as this is a no longer produced Tyranid
miniature from Forge World that I finally got my hands on. I have been
looking for this model for a long time on Ebay and won him in a auction
for £25 which I was really happy with as originally he was selling for a
lot more. The model is important to me as many years ago I wanted to
buy him when he was up on Forge World’s site and when I eventually went
to make the order he had been removed. Which I think is a shame as the
model itself is gorgeous. I should have another post up in the next few
days of the finished results or would you want me to put up some WIP
posts?. Anyone else ever went to purchase a GW or FW model and found
that it no longer exists?