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It’s June! This month I’ll be working on issues, 35, 36, 37 and 38 from the magazine subscription: Warhammer 40,000 Conquest. These ruins are from issue 37 which means I’m not painting them in chronological order this month. Instead, I’m getting these ruins done, complete and put behind me as quickly as possible. Find out why after the jump.

No, you’re not seeing double. This is the second time we’ve received these ruins in the magazine. I didn’t really enjoy them the first time round so just wanted them done quickly. It’s always worth pushing through and completing a paint project to get that buzz once something is complete. Especially when you get to expand a collection. These two sets of ruins look great together. 

Bonus fact – I based the colour scheme of this terrain on the old 2nd edition boxed games cardboard ruins.

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