Since I painted the Phobos Strike Team from Kill Team: Moroch recently, I thought of making a dent into the terrain next. Here is the first half of the Killzone painted: a Landing Pad, STC Hab-Bunker, plus the stockades. Check out this post to find out how I did it.
Kudos to Games Workshop for providing me with the Kill Team: Moroch box. The Phobos Strike Team was a pleasure to paint, I’m not that much into Primaris Marines, but I really love the tactical strike ops flair of MkX Phobos armour. I chose to paint them as Raven Guard, make sure to check them out here.
So next on my list was painting all the terrain, as the Killzone: Moroch terrain is a perfect match for the Sector Fronteris and STC Ryza-pattern ruins I painted a couple of years ago:
You can find most of the paint recipes in the post below. For the Landing Pad, I decided to choose a light grey as the main colour, which matches the grey rubble on the gaming boards you find in the Command edition of the 9th Edition 40k starter set and Battlezone: Manufactorum sets. As you might notice, I already had the STC Hab-bunker painted, but I decided to repaint the doors light grey to better match the Landing Pad, similar to my Battlezone: Manufactorum Storage Fane.
How to paint the Moroch Landing Pad
The Landing Pad was primed with Vallejo Hobby Spray Panzer Grey, then given a coat of of Grey Seer spray paint sprayed from a higher angle for a zenithal highlight. I drybrushed the grey with Corax White and VMC White, and added sponge weathering with VMC Black and VMA Steel. Then I went to town with pigments from Vallejo: Carbon Black, Dark Slate Grey, and Burnt Umber after I filled in all the details.
The black Stockades were just painted as explained in the post above.
That’s one half of the Kill Team: Moroch box painted, so next up are the Vox-Antenna and Auspex shrine. But first, I’m gonna paint some more infantry for my Sons of Horus, so stay tuned.
Hope you enjoyed my take on the Moroch terrain, leave a reaction or comment below, and feel free to come over to our friendly hobby Discord server and ask your questions there. Have a happy new year, and happy hobbying!
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