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Good evening to all you Cabal Vision viewers out there in the old world and beyond! What a pleasure it is to be here today to introduce the fourth and final team to our roster this season. All will be revealed after the jump!

Firstly an introduction to myself as a new guest here at Tale of Painters. My name is Arcane and I have been painting for just over a year now. I have utilised the tutorials and guidance of ToP since the beginning and it’s a true honour to be able to participate in Tale of Tuesdays.

Back to the point at hand though, Bloodbowl! The final team to be announced for this season is the Bugman Bouncers, who are often found drinking heavily in the dugout. This is also my first foray into Bloodbowl teams and I am having a whale of a time creating a scheme as well as fleshing out a back story for these wonderful beardy boys.

As someone who often paints rats and dinos, I believe this is my first attempt at humanoid miniatures which has given me the opportunity to experiment with hair and skin tones. This has been rewarding but also more challenging than I anticipated (there’s a pun about pulling my hair out there somewhere). I’d initially started with the idea that all of these guys would have fiery red hair but after the first two, I really wanted to experiment with achieving other natural colours which is where the blonde came in.

As both Garfy and Spaceshrimp can confirm I have an absurd amount of pink paints, you name the shade I probably have it at hand. So it seemed fitting that I finally utilised them for this project which birthed the signature pink and grey scheme you see here today.