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Hello again, it’s Amy back with part 6 of my Seraphon showcase, this time it’s the three powerful Palanquin models of my collection, Lord Kroak, Slann Mage Priest and Tetto’eko!

This is part 6 of my showcase series of my Seraphon collection! You can see the other parts here; one, two, three, four, five

I really love the Palanquin models, I think they’re some of the nicest models from Games Workshop. Being finecast I was a little concerned about the quality when I bought them, but to be honest they were fine and I didn’t have any issues and I think the quality of them is great! First up is Lord Kroak, probably one of the most powerful models in the game by my experience, he is a fantastic addition to any Seraphon army. I love how creepy he looks, and he looks even more creepier without his mask, however I wanted to have that nice, gold centerpiece on him so I stuck his mask on. You will notice the different colour to the tusks, I decided to go for something completely different and paint them red blending up to a reddy orange, I have also painted all of my Stegadon’s horns like this which you will see in the next post! Just to be a little different!

Slann Mage Priest

Tetto’eko, which is another beautiful model by GW. I really tried my best to create a smooth blend on the feathers to draw in attention. These were painted with just Moot Green and Flash Gitz Yellow, gradually adding in more yellow to the green paint towards the tops, and using Waywatcher Green glaze to held the blend and Lamenters Yellow to intensify the yellow ends of the feathers. I also painted a galaxy on his orb, painting various purples, blues and pinks and then adding on dots of white using Games Workshop’s Artificer Brush. I also made sure to paint his eyes the bright, menacing green as seen across the rest of my collection to draw in attention, this was painted thinned Moot Green on and around the eye, Flash Gitz Yellow on the eye itself and a dot of White Scar and glazed Waywatcher Green.

In other news, following my Seraphon feature in White Dwarf Issue 104, I’m delighted that my entire Seraphon collection is featured in this month’s Warhammer Visions Issue 26, there are 12 pages of beautiful photos and I’m really pleased with it. Check it out and let me know what you think! Don’t forget if you want to see my collection in real life they are currently on display at Warhammer World in the Warhammer Collections Exhibition, check out Garfy’s recent post on this!

Thank you for reading part 6, please let me know what you think in the comments and if you have any questions please do ask! Do you use any of these models in the game and if so which is your favourite? Personally, I’ve used Kroak more and he has proved to be very devastating in many occasions, although I do like the Slann’s general ability and his constellation ability too!

In the next part of this series, which will be the penultimate to my showcase, lots of monsters!