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Hi all! Here he is… Aventis Firestrike of the Hammers of Sigmar, painted for a local painting competition! Some more angles after the jump…
I am really satisfied with how the model turned out, although it was a pain in the a* to build it. Many parts in the instruction manual were incorrectly placed. You have to look twice when assembling the kit. Especially when you want to paint it in sub-assemblies, you have to dry fit a lot to see how the parts fit. Never saw a manual as bad as this…
But in the end a very impressive model. What do you think? Leave a comment or reaction below…
Banzai1000 is a hobbyist from Germany with over 15 years of experience, and a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine. He is known for his masterful conversions and loves to come up with spectacular Armies on Parade entries every year. So far he scored five Armies on Parade gold medals, as well as three Golden Demon finalist pins.
Beautiful. Did you win the painting competition?
I can assure you, the instructions aren't nearly as bad as the ones for Sanguinius. There were parts missing from the assembly guide!
The stripes and orange on the mount are supreme. Also love the few coloured feathers at the tips!
This is a really awesome scheme. The choice of colours is great! It's very bright and vibrant!
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Brilliant! Super-rich colours on his mount 🙂